Holiday Self Care
Here we are in the full on Holiday season. While it should be about time with people we love and enjoying the magic, it comes with an enormous amount of stress and an endless list of things to get done. What should you be doing to make it through in the best shape possible?
- Be consistent with your self care. It’s easy to put yourself on the back burner. As best you can, keep your workout schedule, keep your chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, counseling, and other appointments. That time for yourself can be the difference in you making it to January relatively unscathed.
- Take a load off your shoulders. If there is something you can delegate, do that. If you look at your list and there is an item that wouldn’t be the end of the world if you just let it go, give yourself permission to let it go. I stopped doing holiday cards a few years ago because I was stressing myself out finding time to get them done. I’m not sure anyone has missed them.
- Take a break. When you are cooking or baking, take stretch breaks. Use your sink and kitchen counter to stretch your back, open your body, and do some rotation. I’ve had clients strain their backs by standing in one spot for hours in the kitchen. Little breaks make a big difference.
- Breathe. Inhale through your nose all the way down to your knees, exhale and empty your lungs. Now inhale for a count of 4, hold it for 7, exhale for 8. Do that again two more times. You are dialing down your stress level and getting more oxygen.
Don’t let the holidays take you away from taking care of yourself. Self care makes a BIG difference during high stress times!